1. Is this a group for just one certain type of special needs?
2. What is the age range for members and volunteers?
3. Where are events held?
4. Do parents stay or drop off their child at events?
5. What is the cost per event?
6. How are peer volunteers trained?
7. Is this a medical model?

1. Is this a group just one certain type of special needs?
No. We have members that have all different types of special needs on various levels of functioning. This is a group for everyone!

2.What is the age range for members and volunteers?

3. Where are events held?
Events are held at various entertainment locations where everyone can have fun. For example, bowling alleys, event halls, and other places that offer entertainment or a fun experience. Events are always creative and different, and are planned by chapter leaders that focus on a certain event theme. “Disney Prom” “Pajama Party Brunch” “Sweetheart Day” are all examples of event themes that we've had in the past.

4. Do parents stay or drop off their child at events?
Most parents do not stay with their child at events unless their child requires additional attention ( behavior or medical)

5. What is the cost per event?
The costs vary per event. Check your local chapter’s website for information.

6. How are peer volunteers trained?
Our fantastic volunteers are trained to facilitate friendly social interaction between Fantastic Friends members .

7. Is this a medical model?
No. This is entirely a social organization that facilities opportunities for friendships and connections to blossom.